%0 Journal Article %T 从《中国史学名著》所见钱穆的史学求通理念
Qian Mu’s Concept of Seeking Coherence in History as Seen from “Chinese Historical Masterpieces” %A 赵一辰 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 184-188 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122030 %X 中国的传统学术有一特点,便是追求“通”,古代的许多大学者,于传统的经史子集四部都能做到通晓。然而近代以来,随着西学的传入,中国的传统学术逐渐向现代学术转型,特别是在史学方面,关于史学“贵专精”还是“贵杂博”逐渐成为一个颇具争议的话题。作为近现代著名的史学大家之一的钱穆,不仅旗帜鲜明地表达了自己对求通理念的支持,又对其进行了进一步的阐述。这在他的《中国史学名著》一书中表现得尤为突出。
One characteristic of traditional Chinese academia is the pursuit of “fluency”. Many ancient scholars were able to understand all four parts of the traditional collection of classics and histories. However, since modern times, with the introduction of Western learning, traditional Chinese academia has gradually transitioned towards modern academia, especially in the field of history. The question of whether historiography is more specialized or more diverse has gradually become a controversial topic. As one of the famous historians of modern times, Qian Mu not only clearly expressed his support for the concept of seeking communication, but also further elaborated on it. This is particularly prominent in his book “Chinese Historical Masterpieces”. %K 钱穆,《中国史学名著》,史学,求通理念
Qian Mu %K Chinese Historical Masterpieces %K Historiography %K The Concept of Seeking Communication %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84451