%0 Journal Article %T 可视化小角度微调技术研究
Research on Visual Small Angle Fine Adjustment Technology %A 初文朝 %A 张菊绒 %A 颉运佳 %J Mechanical Engineering and Technology %P 128-133 %@ 2167-6623 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/met.2024.132016 %X 涡轮叶片加工时由于零件毛坯定位精度不高,夹具定位不准,本文经过研究,研制了一套基于静压技术的可视化小角度微调装置,测试结果表明,该装置成功实现工装角度的可视化快速可调,并达到0.1?调整精度的目标,显著降低了加工准备时间,提高了涡轮叶片的机加工质量和加工效率。
Due to the low positioning accuracy of the turbine blades and inaccurate fixture positioning, this research based on hydraulic lifting mechanism and locking mechanism technology, a slight visualization angle micro-adjustment device has been built and experimentally tested. The test results show that the device has successfully achieved visualization and rapid adjustment of the fixture angle, achieved the goal of 0.1? adjustment accuracy, reduced processing preparation time, and improved the machining quality and efficiency of turbine blades. %K 涡轮叶片加工,可视化小角度微调,液压顶升,液压锁紧,精确快速
Turbine Blade Machining %K Visual Small Angle Fine Adjustment %K Hydraulic Jacking %K Hydraulic Locking %K Accurate and Fast %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84527