%0 Journal Article %T 凝汽透平驱动向电力驱动转变的研究
Study on the Transformation from Condensation Steam Turbine Drive to Electric Drive %A 赵军 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 59-67 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/aepe.2024.122007 %X 本文从节能与减少碳排放的角度,引出凝汽透平驱动向电力驱动转变研究的必要性。给出能耗计算模型和碳排放计算模型;通过对凝汽透平驱动、电力驱动的计算结果进行对比,得出电力驱动方式在降低能耗、减少碳排放、提高能量利用率三个方面优于凝汽透平驱动方式的结论,并给出动设备驱动方式选择的建议。
From the perspective of energy saving and carbon emission reduction, it is necessary to study the transformation from condensation steam turbine drive to electric drive. The energy consumption calculation model and carbon emission calculation model are given. By comparing the calculation results of condensation steam turbine drive mode and electric drive mode,it is concluded that the electric drive mode is superior to the condensation steam turbine mode in three aspects: reducing energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions and improving energy utilization rate, and some suggestions on the selection of rotating equipment drive mode are given. %K 能耗,碳排放,凝汽透平驱动,电力驱动
Energy Consumption %K Carbon Emissions %K Condensation Steam Turbine Drive %K Electric Drive %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84573