%0 Journal Article %T 上升时间对数字CR-(RC)n成形造成幅度损失的优化方法
Optimization Method of Amplitude Loss Caused by Digital CR-(RC)n Forming on Rise Time %A 李超 %A 周厚泓 %A 刘易 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 104-110 %@ 2332-712X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/nst.2024.122011 %X 脉冲上升时间对基于z变换的CR-(RC)n脉冲成形造成幅值损失。本文在推导数字核谱仪系统中CR-(RC)n滤波器实时运算递归算法的基础上,对带有上升时间的阶跃信号进行了数字CR-(RC)n滤波成形模拟仿真,发现其输出脉冲的幅度损失与上升时间的大小或滤波器的阶数成正比,该算法中b是影响输出结果的主要参数。通过消除输出脉冲达峰时间(nτ)中阶数n带来的影响,对该算法进行了优化。优化后的算法仿真结果表明,参数b值随着输出脉冲的幅度损失的减小而减小,通过调节b的大小可以补偿上升时间带来的输出幅度损失。
The pulse rise time causes amplitude loss for CR-(RC)n pulse forming based on z transform. In this paper, based on the basis of deducing the recursion algorithm of real-time operation of CR-(RC)n filter in digital nuclear spectrometer system, the CR-(RC)n filter forming simulation with rise time is carried out for step signal, and the amplitude loss of the output pulse is proportional to the rise time or the order of the filter. In this algorithm, b is the main parameter affecting the output result. The algorithm is optimized by eliminating the influence of order n in the output pulse peak time (nτ). The simulation results of the optimized algorithm show that the value of parameter b decreases with the decrease of the amplitude loss of the output pulse, and the output amplitude loss caused by the rise time can be compensated by adjusting the size of b. %K CR-(RC)n滤波,阶跃信号,幅度损失
CR-(RC)n Filter %K Step Signal %K Amplitude Loss %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84574