%0 Journal Article %T 南朝乐府诗的扎根与生长——论南朝乐府与汉魏乐府的继生关系
The Roots and Growth of Yuefu Poetry in the Southern Dynasty—The Successive Relationship between Yuefu in Southern Dynasty and Yuefu in Han and Wei Dynasties %A 郭春玉 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 202-208 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122033 %X 南朝乐府诗受汉魏乐府遗风的影响,在题目和内容的创作上表现出继承旧诗而生新题的特点,其中既有以旧题续写旧事者,也有以旧题写新诗者,开拓新题,书写新境的也大有人在。南朝乐府在表现形式上体现为:游子思妇的爱情表达,爱国主义与现实理想的结合以及战士形象的描绘与边塞景物的结合;内在思想性上则着重表现鲜明的民族性和文人拟作特有的细腻与惆怅。由此形成了南朝乐府新旧题目交错、表现内容繁多的文学现状。
The Yuefu Poems of the Southern Dynasty were influenced by the Yuefu style of Han and Wei Dynasties. In the creation of titles and contents, the Yuefu Poems showed the characteristics of inheriting old poems and creating new themes. Some of them continued to write old things with old themes, and some of them wrote new poems with old themes, exploring new themes and writing new scenes. In the form of expression, the Yuefu in the Southern Dynasty is reflected as follows: the love expression of the wander thinking of their wives, the combination of patriotism and realistic ideal, and the combination of soldier image and frontier scenery; In terms of inner ideology, it emphasizes the distinctive national character and the exquisite and melancholy characteristic of literati’s fictions. Thus formed the Southern Dynasty Yuefu old and new topics interlaced, various contents of literature. %K 汉魏乐府,南朝乐府,拟古,新声
Han and Wei Yuefu %K Southern Dynasty Yuefu %K Emulate Antiquity %K New Voice %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84599