%0 Journal Article %T Mapping and Floristic Diversity of the Nakpadjouak Community Forest, Tami Canton, Togo (West Africa) %A Senyo Kossi Ehlui %A Christian Anthony-Krueger %A Edinam Kola %A Wouyo Atakpama %A Alagie Bah %A Henrik von Wehrden %A Tchaa Boukpessi %J Natural Resources %P 83-105 %@ 2158-7086 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/nr.2024.154007 %X Since 2015, community forests have been promoted in Togo as an alternative to protect areas from degradation and as a means of contributing to forest landscape restoration. The study focuses on the <i>Nakpadjouak</i> Community Forest (NCF) in Tami (Togo, West Africa) which contributes to community forests sustainable management. It aims in (i) mapping forest ecosystems and analysing their dynamic and (ii) characterizing the floristic diversity of the NCF. The ecosystems were mapped and their dynamic was evaluated based on Google Earth images of 2014 and 2020. Floristic and forestry inventories were carried out using the transect technique in a sample of 20 plots of 50 m &#215; 20 m. The NCF was made up mainly by wooded/shrub savannahs (95.37%) and croplands/fallow (4.63%) in 2014. These two land use types undergone changes over the 6 years prior to 2020. By 2020, the NCF had 3 land use types: wooded/shrub savannahs (77.59%), open forest/wooded savannahs (22.23%), and croplands/fallows (0.18%). A total of 89 plant species belonging to 70 genera and 28 families were recorded within the NCF. The dominant species are: <i>Het</i><i>er</i><i>opogon c</i><i>ontortus</i> (L.) P.Beauv. and <i>Combretum collinum</i> Fresen. followed by <i>Pteleopsissuberosa</i> Engl. & Diels, <i>Annona senegalensis</i> Pers. The most common species are: <i>Lannea acida</i> A.Rich. s.l., <i>A. senegalensis</i>, <i>Vitell</i><i>a</i><i>ria paradoxa</i> C.F.Gaertner subsp. <i>paradoxa</i>, <i>C. collinum</i> and <i>Acacia dudge</i><i>o</i><i>nii</i> Craib ex Holland. Due to its small area of just 40 hectares and its diverse plant life, this community forest of Savannahs Region is a significant biodiversity hotspot and warrants conservation efforts. %K Community Forest %K Floristic Diversity %K Land Use Change %K Biodiversity Hotspot %K Tami %K Savannah Region %K Togo %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132469