%0 Journal Article %T Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping for Groundwater Potential Studies at Ekwegbe-Agu and Environs, Enugu State, Nigeria %A Charles Chibueze Ugbor %A Ugochukwu Kingsley Ogbodo %A Osita Kelechi Eze %J Open Journal of Geology %P 513-547 %@ 2161-7589 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojg.2024.144021 %X The study integrates both the geological and geophysical mapping techniques for groundwater potential studies at Ekwegbe-Agu and the environs, Enugu state, Nigeria for optimal citing of borehole. Located in the Anambra Basin between latitudes 6˚43'N and 6˚47'N and longitudes 7˚28'E and 7˚32'E, it is stratigraphycally underlain by, from bottom to top, the Enugu/Nkporo, Mamu and Ajali Formation respectively, a complex geology that make citing of productive borehole in the area problematic leading to borehole failure and dry holes due to inadequate sampling. The study adopted a field and analytic sampling approach, integrating field geological, electrical resistivity and self-potential methods. The software, SedLog v3.1, InterpexIx1Dv.3, and Surfer v10 were employed for the data integration and interpretation. The result of the geological field and borehole data shows 11 sedimentary facies consisting of sandstone, shales and heterolith of sandstone/shale, with the aquifer zone mostly prevalent in the more porous sand-dominated horizons. Mostly the AK and HK were the dominant curve types. An average of 6 geo-electric layers were delineated across all transects with resistivity values ranging from 25.42 - 105.85 Ωm, 186.38 - 3383.3 Ωm, and 2992 - 6286.4 Ωm in the Enugu, Mamu and Ajali Formations respectively. The resistivity of the main aquifer layer ranges from 1 to 500 Ωm. The aquifer thickness within the study area varies between 95 and 140 m. The western and northwestern part of the study area which is underlain mainly by the Ajali Formation showed the highest groundwater potential in the area and suitable for citing productive boreholes. %K Seismic %K Ekwegbe-Agu %K Groundwater %K Resistivity %K Field Mapping %K Borehole Logging %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132509