%0 Journal Article %T 清代安徽太平府城城池形态复原研究
Study on the Restoration of the City Wall and Moat of Taiping Prefecture, Anhui Province in the Qing Dynasty %A 魏荧昊 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 232-238 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122038 %X 安徽太平府城建城于三国时期,缘城南姑孰溪而古称姑孰城,自古为重镇名城,长期以来作为这一地区的经济、文化、交通的中心,其在中国古代城建史上有着重要的地位。本文选取太平府城为研究个案,试以清乾隆朝为断限,运用城市历史形态学的研究方法,依据近代大比例实测地图与相关文献资料,并辅以GIS技术,全面复原和论述太平府的城市空间面貌,以期对太平府历史城市地理展开初步讨论。
Anhui Taiping Prefecture City was founded in the Three Kingdoms period, and the city is called the city of Gures because of its proximity to the river Gures in the south, and it has long been the economic, cultural and transportation center of this region, and it has an important position in the history of ancient Chinese city construction. This paper selects Taiping Prefecture City as a research case, tries to use the Qianlong Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty as the limit, uses the research method of urban historical morphology, and based on modern large-scale measured maps and relevant literature, supplemented by GIS technology, to comprehensively restore and discuss the city of Taiping Prefecture Spatial appearance, with a view to launching a preliminary discussion on the historical urban geography of Taiping Prefecture. %K 清代,太平府城,城池形态,复原研究
Qing Dynasty %K Taiping Prefecture City %K Morphology of Walls and Moats %K Restoration Studies %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84765