%0 Journal Article %T 重读《人生》——《人生》中所蕴含的几重悲剧
Reread “Life” —Several Tragedies Contained in “Life” %A 袁敏 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 239-245 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122039 %X “高加林难题”表面看来是城乡矛盾的具体呈现,乡村社会的困境聚焦于高加林的个体困境之上,面临着内部的传统伦理与现代文明相冲突的矛盾。然而,在“重返八十年代”的视野之中,本文将着力于透视城乡矛盾之下高加林身上体现出的深刻的个人悲剧,以及在中国现当代文学史的脉络上观照高加林这个新的人物形象,探究在高加林的个体悲剧之外又隐藏着哪些其他的主体困境。
“Gao Jialin problem” appears to be a concrete manifestation of the conflict between urban and rural areas. The dilemma of rural society focuses on Gao Jialin’s individual dilemma, facing the conflict between internal traditional ethics and modern civilization. However, from the perspective of “returning to the 1980s”, this paper will focus on the profound personal tragedy manifested by Gao Jialin under the contradiction between urban and rural areas, as well as the new character image of Gao Jialin in the context of Chinese modern and contemporary literature history, and explore what other subject dilemmas are hidden in Gao Jialin’s individual tragedy. %K 《人生》,户籍制度,乡村与城市,农村知识青年
Life %K Household Registration System %K Country and City %K Rural Intellectual Youth %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84767