%0 Journal Article %T 清代六安直隶州方志地图的符号与文字
Symbols and Characters in the Territory Map of Liu’an Zhili Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty %A 吕金凤 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 246-250 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122040 %X 清代六安直隶州方志地图是描绘六安直隶州的自然和人文地理情况的地图,是地方官员熟知其管辖区域历史与地理形势的重要依据。清代六安直隶州方志地图中的图形符号呈符号化趋势,具有个别化的特点,清代六安直隶州方志舆图的图形符号与文字相互作用,共同向读者展示地理信息,体现了方志舆图中图形符号与文字的互动关系。
The local chronicle map of Liu’an Zhili Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty is a map that depicts the natural and cultural geography of Liu’an Zhili Prefecture, and is an important basis for local officials to understand the history and geographical situation of their jurisdiction. The graphic symbols in the local chronicle map of Liu’an Zhili Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty showed a trend of symbolization and had individualized characteristics. The interaction between the graphic symbols and text in the local chronicle map of Liu’an Zhili Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty presented geographical information to readers, reflecting the interactive relationship between graphic symbols and text in the local chronicle map. %K 清代,六安直隶州,方志地图,符号,文字
Qing Dynasty %K Liu’an Zhili Prefecture %K Local Chronicle Map %K Symbols %K Characters %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84768