%0 Journal Article %T 积极老龄化:短视频中的银发时尚传播研究——基于身体现象学视角的考察
Active Aging: A Study of Fashion Communication in Aging in Short Videos—Investigation from the Perspective of Body Phenomenology %A 冯雪晴 %A 闻娱 %J Aging Research %P 345-353 %@ 2334-3524 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ar.2024.112050 %X 时尚类银发网红的出圈传递出积极老龄化在媒介化时代的持续推进,文章基于莫里斯·梅洛–庞蒂的身体现象学视角,以抖音短视频中的时尚银发网红为例,研究了移动网络中的银发时尚传播。通过在场、互动等几个身体现象学的重要层面,文章首先揭示了时尚银发网红的出圈进路,进而对具体的视频内容进行分析,发现银发网红积极践行老有所为,在抖音中的时尚表达呈现服饰、美妆和家居等多种类型,塑造了再青春化和具有仪式感的积极老者形象。最后文章紧扣身体视角,从知觉、意识和价值三个层面剖析了短视频中银发时尚传播的问题和影响,根据现存问题提出传播过程中应重视群体关怀、利用好新媒介,持续推进积极老龄化建设,以期激活银发群体活力反哺时尚传播。
The popularity of fashion elderly Internet celebrities conveys the continuous advancement of active aging in the era of media. Based on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s perspective of body phenomenology, this paper studies the fashion communication of the elderly in the mobile network by taking the fashionable elderly Internet celebrities in short videos of TikTok as an example. Through several important aspects of body phenomenology, such as presence and interaction, the article first reveals the way of emerging from the circle of fashion elderly Internet celebrities, and then analyzes the specific video content, finding that the elderly Internet celebrities actively practice aging, and the fashion expression in TikTok presents various types such as clothing, beauty makeup and home furnishing, creating a positive image of the elderly with a sense of rejuvenation and ritual. In the end, the paper analyzes the problems and influences of fashion communication among the elderly in short videos from the three levels of perception, consciousness and value from the perspective of the body. According to the existing problems, it proposes that the communication process should pay attention to group care, make good use of new media, and continuously promote the construction of active aging, so as to activate the vitality of the elderly groups to feed fashion communication. %K 银发网红,时尚传播,身体现象学,积极老龄化
Elderly Internet Celebrities %K Fashion Communication %K Body Phenomenology %K Active Aging %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84724