%0 Journal Article %T Rigidity Symmetry Line for Thermodynamic Fluid Equations-of-State %A Leslie V. Woodcock %J Journal of Modern Physics %P 613-633 %@ 2153-120X %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jmp.2024.155029 %X We report progress towards a modern scientific description of thermodynamic properties of fluids following the discovery (in 2012) of a coexisting critical density hiatus and a supercritical mesophase defined by percolation transitions. The state functions density <i>&#961;</i>(<i>p</i>,<i>T</i>), and Gibbs energy <i>G</i>(<i>p</i>,<i>T</i>), of fluids, e.g. CO<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O and argon exhibit a symmetry characterised by the rigidity, <i>&#969;</i> = (d<i>p</i>/d<i>&#961;</i>)<i><sub>T</i></sub>, between gaseous and liquid states along any isotherm from critical (<i>T</i><i><sub>c</i></sub>) to Boyle (<i>T</i><i><sub>B</i></sub>) temperatures, on either side of the supercritical mesophase. Here, using experimental data for fluid argon, we investigate the low-density cluster physics description of an ideal dilute gas that obeys Dalton&#8217;s partial pressure law. Cluster expansions in powers of density relate to a supercritical liquid-phase rigidity symmetry (RS) line (<i>&#969;</i><i> </i>= <i>&#961;</i><i><sub>rs</i></sub>(<i>T</i>) = <i>RT</i>) to gas phase virial coefficients. We show that it is continuous in all derivatives, linear within stable fluid phase, and relates analytically to the Boyle-work line (BW) (<i>w</i> = (<i>p</i>/<i>&#961;</i>)<i><sub>T</i></sub> = <i>RT</i>), and to percolation lines of gas (PB) and liquid (PA) phases by: <i>&#961;</i><i><sub>BW</i></sub>(<i>T</i>) = 2<i>&#961;</i><i><sub>PA</i></sub>(<i>T</i>) = 3<i>&#961;</i><i><sub>PB</i></sub>(<i>T</i>) = 3<i>&#961;</i><i><sub>RS</i></sub>(<i>T</i>)/2 for <i>T</i> < <i>T</i><i><sub>B</i></sub>. These simple relationships arise, because the higher virial coefficients (<i>b</i><i><sub>n</i></sub>, <i>n</i> &#8805; 4) cancel due to clustering equilibria, or become negligible at all temperatures (0 < <i>T</i> < %K Liquid-State Theory %K Cluster Physics %K Percolation Lines %K Fluid Thermodynamics %K Boyle Line %K Rigidity-Symmetry Line %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132536