%0 Journal Article %T “阻隔–封闭”新方法粉尘污染机制
A New Method of “Barrier Closure” for Dust Pollution Mechanism %A 赵俊伟 %J Mine Engineering %P 141-149 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/me.2024.122016 %X 针对煤矿综采工作面截割作业区严重粉尘污染问题,提出了一种“阻隔–封闭”控尘新方法。采用CFD-DPM方法建立了风流–粉尘耦合运移模型,对比研究了原始与使用新方法后风流–粉尘运移机制。结果表明:在原始状态下,受割煤产生携尘风流横向偏移的影响,大量粉尘涌入人行道,人员作业区粉尘浓度可达300 mg/m3以上。采用“阻隔–封闭”方法后,约80%的新鲜风流在巷道上风侧距离采煤机后滚筒3 m处提前发生横向偏移,造成煤壁空间与人行道空间风流压能差,延缓了携尘风流的偏移。采煤机后侧安置的多孔挡板,阻挡粉尘进入作业区,保证人行道处的清洁空间长达30 m,平均粉尘浓度由300 mg/m3降为50 mg/m3以下,控尘效率超过83.3%以上。该研究为综采面煤炭清洁化生产提供了新策略。
In view of the serious dust pollution problem in the cutting area of coal mining face, a new method of “Barrier closure” dust control is proposed. The CFD-DPM method was used to establish a coupled wind-dust transport model, and the wind-dust transport mechanism was compared between the original and the new method. The results show that in the original state, due to the lateral deviation of the dust carrying airflow generated by coal cutting, a large amount of dust flows into the sidewalk, and the dust concentration in the personnel operation area can reach over 300 mg/m3. After adopting the method of “Barrier closure”, about 80% of the fresh airflow in the upwind side of the roadway from the coal miner to the rear roller 3 m in advance of the lateral offset, resulting in the difference in the pressure energy of the airflow between the space of the coal wall and the space of the walkway, which slows down the dust-carrying airflow offset. The porous baffle placed at the back side of the coal mining machine blocks dust from entering the operation area, ensuring that the clean space at the footpath is up to 30 m long, and the average dust concentration is reduced from 300 mg/m3 to less than 50 mg/m3, with the dust control efficiency exceeding more than 83.3%. This study provides a new strategy for cleaner coal production in the integrated mining face. %K 综采工作面,数值模拟,阻隔–封闭,污染规律,风流控尘
Fully Mechanized Mining Face %K Numerical Simulation %K Barrier Closure %K Pollution Patterns %K Wind Flow Control Dust %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84897