%0 Journal Article %T 黔东南苗族刺绣传承的教育价值
The Educational Value of the Inheritance of Miao Embroidery in Southeast Guizhou %A 陈洁丽 %A 黄婧 %A 连云彬 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 273-279 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122045 %X 苗族刺绣是最丰富、最原始、最富内涵的,更是最能再现苗族历史、文化、宗教、艺术、情感及审美观、价值观、世界观的有型载体。因为这样的文化渊源,对苗绣的保护与传承,就是对中华民族“根性文化”的保护与传承。
Miao embroidery is the most rich, primitive, and profound, and it is also the most tangible carrier that can reproduce Miao history, culture, religion, art, emotions, aesthetics, values, and worldview. Due to such cultural origins, the protection and inheritance of Miao embroidery is the protection and inheritance of the fundamental culture of the Chinese nation. %K 黔东南苗族刺绣,文化传承,教育价值
Miao Embroidery in Southeast Guizhou %K Cultural Inheritance %K Educational Value %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84964