%0 Journal Article %T Preliminary Palynostratigraphic Data on the Middle Albian-Lower Cenomanian of the Tarfaya Basin, Southwest Morocco %A Khaoula Chafai %A Touria Hssaida %A Wafaa Maatouf %A Mohamed Z. Yousfi %A Sara Chakir %A Soukaina Jaydawi %A Hanane Khaffou %J Open Journal of Geology %P 548-568 %@ 2161-7589 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojg.2024.144022 %X The Tarfaya-Laayoune-Boujdour basin is of great interest to oil exploration; on this aspect, there has been exploration by the Moroccan National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mining, which has shown indices of oil and/or gas recorded in most wells drilled in the Moroccan Atlantic margin. FD-1 well, object of this study, is one of these wells located in the offshore Tarfaya-Laayoune-Boujdour basin. A palynological examination of the processed samples revealed the existence of organic palynomorphs, well conserved and rich in dinoflagellate cysts. The latter are composed of worldwide marker taxa of high stratigraphic resolutions. Thus, the middle upper Albian (3408 - 3408.5 m) is determined by the presence of <i>Cribr</i><i>o</i><i>peridinium tensiftense, Tehamadinium coummia, Spiniferella cornuta, Chichaouadinium vest</i><i>i</i><i>tum, Dinopterygium alatum</i> and <i>Litosphaeridium arundum</i>. The upper Albian (3406.5 - 3408 m) is characterized by the FOs of marker taxa: <i>Cyclonephelium chabaca, Cribroperidinium auctificum</i> and <i>Chichaouadinium vestitum.</i> Lastly, the upper Albian-lower Cenomanian transition is defined between 3404 m and 3406.50 m, as suggested by the FOs of <i>Chi</i><i>chaouadinium boydii</i>, <i>Dinopterygium tuberculatum, Sepisp</i><i>i</i><i>nula ancorifera, </i><i>Litosphaeridium conispinum, Prolixosphaeridium co</i><i>n</i><i>ulum </i>and<i> Xenascus ceratioides.</i> %K Morocco %K Tarfaya-Laayoune-Boujdour Basin %K Albian-Cenomanian Transition %K Dinoflagellate Cysts %K Palynostratigraphy %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132568