%0 Journal Article %T Efficient Application of Musical Instruments in Primary School Music Class under the Background of New Curriculum Standard¡ªTaking Organ Performance as an Example %A Yuexiao Wu %A Qianpeng Chen %A Dianyi Chen %J Open Access Library Journal %V 11 %N 5 %P 1-8 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2024 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1111615 %X Under the guidance of music curriculum standards, the values of art education are gradually shifting from traditional skill cultivation to cultivating the core literacy of ¡°well-rounded individuals¡±. This transformation emphasizes the expression of the artistic beauty and emotional connotations of music through musical and artistic activities such as singing, performance, comprehensive artistic expression, and music creation, thereby enhancing students¡¯ practical abilities. Primary school music curriculum and teaching play a crucial role in this process. It is not only an important way for students to form and develop artistic interests and innovative consciousness, but also a key link in cultivating healthy and upward aesthetic taste and style. Starting from the practical research on the curriculum and teaching system of primary school music project modules, this paper explores the effective implementation methods of the ¡°textbook instrumental¡± primary school music curriculum and teaching reform based on the curriculum standards. Building a primary school music curriculum system with ¡°textbook instrumental music¡± and ¡°one body, three layers¡± aims to organically combine textbook content with instrumental teaching, forming a music teaching system with hierarchy and coherence. In primary school music teaching, the integration of the harmonica enriches the infectious power of music works, effectively reduces the difficulty of students learning music, and improves their innovation and aesthetic abilities. The use of musical instruments can also create a good learning atmosphere, help students participate in music activities, improve their academic literacy, promote their comprehensive development, and thus build an efficient music classroom in primary schools. In recent years, the music education market has shown a rapid growth trend. According to the report, the size of China¡¯s music education market is expected to be 113.38 billion in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 20.84%. It is expected that the size of China¡¯s music education market will exceed 160 billion yuan by 2023. This indicates that the music education industry has enormous market potential and development prospects. Among the quality education courses that parents have enrolled in, art has the highest proportion, reaching 71.8%, with over half choosing music. [1] This indicates that music education plays an important role in the field of quality education, and parents and students have a high demand for music education. This article takes the ¡°Compulsory Education Art Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)¡± as the background, and explores the impact of the new curriculum standards on music education, the significance and application of the harmonica in primary school classrooms, and other aspects through a combination of theory and practice to study and explore primary school music classrooms. %K New Curriculum Standard %K Primary School Music %K Efficient Use %K Melodica %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6823926