%0 Journal Article %T 浅论《周易》乾卦坤卦中蕴含的大学精神——以中央财经大学“龙马担乾坤”精神为例
A Brief Discussion on the University Spirit Contained in the Qian and Kun Hexagrams of “The Book of Changes” —Taking the Spirit of “Dragon and Horse Carrying the Universe” of the Central University of Finance and Economics as an Example %A 李莎莉 %J Chinese Traditional Culture %P 314-318 %@ 2332-6824 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/cnc.2024.122051 %X “大学精神”是大学自身存在和发展中形成的具有独特气质的精神形式和文明成果。本文从中央财经大学“龙马担乾坤”的大学精神出发,以其出处《周易》乾卦坤卦来解读其中蕴涵的“龙马”精神,坚守的“乾坤”信仰,以及“担”字体现的敢于担当作为的行为品格。从而,在这一精神沃土上,立德树人,培根铸魂,塑造“大人”。
“University spirit” is a unique spiritual form and civilizational achievement formed in the existence and development of the university itself. This article starts from the university spirit of “Dragon and Horse Shoulder the Responsibility of Qian and Kun” of the Central University of Finance and Economics, and interprets the spirit of the “Dragon and Horse” contained in it based on the Qian and Kun hexagrams of “The Book of Changes”, the adherent belief in the “Cosmos”, and the courage embodied in the word “Dan” Responsible behavior and character. Therefore, on this fertile spiritual ground, we can build up moral character, build souls, and create “adults”. %K 乾卦,坤卦,大学精神,龙马担乾坤
Qian Gua %K Kun Gua %K University Spirit %K Dragon and Horse Shoulder the Responsibility of Qian and Kun %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85057