%0 Journal Article %T 邵阳县山羊疫病防治技术规范
Technical Specifications for the Prevention and Control of Goat Diseases in Shaoyang County %A 吴良仁 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 42-49 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.132008 %X 邵阳县2019年收集5年来羊传染性胸膜肺炎8个病例发病羊137只,羊附红细胞体病6个病例发病羊97只、羊痘5个病例发病羊56只,羊口蹄疫2个病例发病羊65只,羊布鲁氏病3个病例发病羊41只,山羊斯氏多头蚴2个病例发病羊53只,羊肺丝虫病7个病例发病羊148只,羊口疮9个病例发病羊126只,共9个疫病42个病例发病羊723只。其中羊痘、羊口蹄疫、羊布鲁氏病共有病羊162只,全部深埋无害化处理。用新胂凡纳明、血虫净、吡喹酮、左旋咪唑、伊维菌素、青霉素等药物治疗其他疫病病羊,总治愈率92.5%。制订了可操作性的《邵阳县山羊疫病防治技术规范》。并对主要羊疫病病原和羊疫病划分分类进行了描述,重点介绍了布鲁氏病人畜共患传染病对人、畜牧业的危害以及筛查采集血样,实验室虎红平板凝聚试验确诊,扑疫、无害化处理等防控措施。邵阳县近2年扑杀189只布病阳性羊,都按一类动物疫病进行了深埋无害化处理,供同行参考。
In 2019, Shaoyang County collected 137 sheep infected with 8 cases of sheep infectious pleuropneumonia, 97 sheep infected with 6 cases of sheep eperythrozoosis, 56 sheep infected with 5 cases of sheep pox, 65 sheep infected with 2 cases of sheep foot-and-mouth disease, 41 sheep infected with 3 cases of sheep brucellosis, 53 sheep infected with 2 cases of goat pneumocystis, 148 sheep infected with 7 cases of sheep pulmonary filariasis, and 126 sheep infected with 9 cases of sheep oral ulcers. A total of 9 epidemics out of 42 cases, 723 sheep were affected. Among them, 162 sheep were infected with sheep pox, sheep foot-and-mouth disease, and sheep brucellosis, all of which were buried deep for harmless treatment. The total cure rate of sheep with other infectious diseases was 92.5% when treated with drugs such as neoarsonamine, Xuechongjing, Praziquantel, Levamisole, Ivermectin, Penicillin, etc. A feasible technical specification for the prevention and control of goat diseases in Shaoyang County has been formulated. And the main pathogens and classification of sheep diseases were described, with a focus on the harm of zoonotic diseases caused by Brucella patients to humans and animal husbandry, as well as the prevention and control measures such as screening and collecting blood samples, laboratory tiger red plate coagulation test for diagnosis, epidemic control, and harmless treatment. In the past two years, Shaoyang County has slaughtered 189 sheep that tested positive for brucellosis, all of which were treated as Class I animal diseases through deep burial and harmless treatment, providing reference for peer. %K 羊布鲁氏病,羊附红细胞体病,羊痘,新胂凡纳明,血虫净,防治技术
Sheep Brucellosis %K Sheep Eperythrozoosis %K Sheep Pox %K Neoarsovannamine %K Xuechongjing %K Prevention and Control Technology %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85138