%0 Journal Article %T 由α-稳定过程驱动的线性自排斥扩散过程的渐近行为和参数估计
Asymptotic Behavior and Parameter Estimation of the Linear Self-Repelling Diffusion Driven by α-Stable Motion %A 冯甜 %A 闫理坦 %J Statistics and Applications %P 445-452 %@ 2325-226X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/sa.2024.132044 %X 设为一维-稳定模型且。本文主要研究如下线性自排斥扩散的长时间行为和参数估计:,其中是两个未知参数且。当t趋于无穷大时,对任意,我们有几乎处处成立,其中。在连续观测条件下,建立的最小二乘估计讨论其相合性与渐近分布。
Let be an -stable motion of one-dimension with . In this paper, we consider large time behaviors and parameter estimation of the linear self-repelling diffusion of the forms where and are two unknown parameters. When and t tends to infinity, we show that the convergence and hold almost surely for all , where . The least squares estimates of and are %K 自排斥扩散,长时间行为,参数估计,渐近分布
Self-Repelling Diffusion %K Large Time Behaviors %K Parameter Estimation %K Asymptotic Distribution %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85123