%0 Journal Article %T 牛背梁自然保护区重点保护野生动物
The Key Protected Wildlife in Niubeiliang Nature Reserve %A 于艳萍 %A 段文东 %A 王军强 %A 张利春 %A 麻应太 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 162-168 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wjf.2024.132023 %X 依据国家林业和草原局、农业农村部2021年2月最新发布的《国家重点保护野生动物名录》和陕西省人民政府2022年6月最新公布的《陕西省重点保护野生动物名录》,经统计,陕西牛背梁国家级自然保护区共分布有重点保护野生动物74种,隶属于2门6纲16目34科。其中国家一级保护动物9种,国家二级保护动物39种,省级保护动物26种。
Referring to the List of state Key Protected Wildlife jointly issued by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in February 2021 and the List of Shaanxi Provincial Key Protected Wildlife jointly issued by the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government in June 2022, according to statistics, there are 74 species of key protected wildlife distributed in Shaanxi Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve, belonging to 2 phylum, 6 classes, 16 orders and 34 families. Among them, there are 9 national first-class protected animals, 39 second-class protected animals, and 26 provincial-level protected animals. %K 保护野生动物,国家重点保护野生动物,省级重点保护野生动物,牛背梁自然保护区
Protected Wildlife %K State Key Protected Wildlife %K Provincial-Level Protected Wildlife %K Niubeiliang Nature Reserve %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85357