%0 Journal Article %T 乌托邦文学和反乌托邦文学叙事对比研究——以《乌托邦》和《美丽新世界》为例
Comparative Study of Utopian and Dystopian Literature Narrative—Taking Utopia and Brave New World as Examples %A 覃显芬 %J World Literature Studies %P 98-104 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.122016 %X 乌托邦文学和反乌托邦文学都是人类追求理想社会的探索,乌托邦文学通常侧重理想社会的美好面,反乌托邦文学通常侧重“乌托邦式”理想社会实现后的黑暗面。《乌托邦》和《美丽新世界》作为乌托邦文学和反乌托邦文学的代表作之一,分析两部作品的叙事特点可以窥探乌托邦文学和反乌托邦文学的叙事特点。本文从想象的运用、时空构建、人物塑造的角度分析二者叙事上的异同,进一步讨论反乌托邦文学对乌托邦文学在叙事方法上的传承与发展。
Both utopia literature and dystopian literature reflect the exploration of ideal society. Utopian literature usually describes a beautiful blueprint of a great society, while dystopian literature describes the bad side of utopian society if it comes true. Utopia and Brave New World are representative works of utopian literature and dystopia literature respectively. Making a comparative study of the narrative characteristics of the two works offers an insight into the narration features of utopia literature and dystopia literature. This paper attempts to discover the similarities and differences between their narration features from the perspectives of the use of imagination, the construction of time and space, and the characters. Then, it further discusses the inheritance and development of dystopian literature compared with utopian narration. %K 乌托邦文学,反乌托邦文学,《乌托邦》,《美丽新世界》,叙事分析
Utopia Literature %K Dystopia Literature %K Utopia %K Brave New World %K Narrative Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85496