%0 Journal Article %T 文学伦理学批评视域下《面纱》中吉蒂的伦理选择解读
An Interpretation of Kitty’s Ethical Choices in “The Painted Veil” from the Perspective of Literary Ethical Criticism %A 于安舒 %J World Literature Studies %P 105-110 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.122017 %X 《面纱》作为毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)的代表作之一,小说深刻地探讨了个体在面对道德挑战时的伦理选择。在这部作品中,毛姆以细腻的笔触和深刻的洞察力,展现了女主人公吉蒂在传统与现代、责任与欲望之间的挣扎。本文将在文学伦理学批评的视域下,解读《面纱》中的伦理环境和人物的伦理抉择,旨在为读者提供一个新的欣赏角度,深入挖掘作品所蕴含的伦理教诲和人生哲理。通过分析吉蒂在追求个人幸福与履行社会责任之间的冲突,本文揭示了个体如何在复杂的社会关系中寻找自我价值和道德定位。
“The Painted Veil”, one of W. Somerset Maugham’s significant works, profoundly explores the ethical choices of individuals when confronted with moral challenges. In this novel, Maugham, with his delicate brushstrokes and profound insights, portrays the protagonist Kitty’s struggle between tradition and modernity, duty and desire. This paper, within the purview of literary ethical criticism, interprets the ethical environment and character choices in “The Painted Veil” aiming to provide readers with a new perspective for appreciation and to delve into the ethical teachings and philosophical implications of the work. By analyzing Kitty’s conflicts between pursuing personal happiness and fulfilling social responsibilities, the paper reveals how individuals search for self-worth and moral positioning amidst complex social relationships. %K 《面纱》,文学伦理学,伦理选择,吉蒂
“The Painted Veil” %K Literary Ethical Criticism %K Ethical Choices %K Kitty %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85497