%0 Journal Article %T 黄铁矿的标型特征及其在找金矿研究中的应用
Typomorphic Characteristics of Pyrite and Its Application in the Prospecting Research %A 魏强 %A 张耕硕 %J Mine Engineering %P 321-327 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/me.2024.122037 %X 黄铁矿作为许多贵金属矿物的载体之一,与金属矿床的关系密切,分布也非常广泛,特别是金矿床中几乎均有黄铁矿的产出,且通常作为金的主要载体矿物,黄铁矿的化学成分标型特征贮藏了大量的找矿矿物学和成因矿物学信息。本文通过对黄铁矿的标型特征的研究与归纳总结,并以典型的吉林某金矿床为例,充分说明了运用黄铁矿的标型特征对划分矿床成因、成矿阶段以及判断矿体延伸与剥蚀程度、矿石的含金性等提供了重要的找矿依据。
In many precious metal deposits, pyrite is distributed, and gold deposits are more pyrite as its representative mineral, and pyrite generally becomes the carrier of precious metal gold. In this paper, the mineral characteristics of pyrite in gold deposits are studied and summarized, and a typical gold deposit in Jilin province is taken as an example to fully illustrate that the application of pyrite typomorphic characteristics provide an important prospecting basis for dividing the genesis and metallogenic stage of the deposit, judging the extension and denudation degree of the ore body, and the gold-bearing property of the ore. %K 黄铁矿,黄铁矿标型特征,应用,吉林省东部
Pyrite %K Typomorphic Characteristics of Pyrite %K Apply %K Eastern Jilin Province %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85600