%0 Journal Article %T Research on the Development Approaches and Strategies of High School Art School-Based Curriculum from the Perspective of Core Literacy %A Xinrui Fu %A Jiaying Cao %A Yue Ma %J Open Access Library Journal %V 11 %N 5 %P 1-4 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2024 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1111635 %X With the continuous promotion and development of China¡¯s new curriculum reform, art teaching urgently focuses on cultivating students¡¯ core literacy and innovative thinking, aiming to enhance their comprehensive abilities. In this new educational situation, school-based curriculum has become one of the core contents of the new curriculum reform. It is not only the result of the reform, but also a curriculum designed for the development and creation of students. The school-based curriculum has clear objectives and rich and diverse content in its curriculum design, aiming to enable students not only to master the basic knowledge and skills stipulated in the national curriculum, but also to have personalized development opportunities, understand the value of learning, and cultivate a strong personality. %K Core Competencies of Art Courses %K Art School-Based Curriculum %K High School Art Teaching %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6824554