%0 Journal Article %T The Role of Christian Values in Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in Business Administration: A Project Management Perspective %A Nelsen A. Rahul %J American Journal of Industrial and Business Management %P 603-618 %@ 2164-5175 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajibm.2024.144031 %X This research paper explores the role of Christian values in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness within business administration, focusing specifically on a project management perspective. Drawing upon a comprehensive literature review and empirical data analysis, this study investigates how Christian values such as integrity, honesty, accountability, and ethical decision-making can positively impact project outcomes and overall organizational performance. Theoretical frameworks from ethics and organizational behaviour guide the analysis, examining the interplay between Christian values and project management practices. Real-world case studies and examples illustrate successful integration strategies, providing insights into best practices for incorporating Christian values into business operations. The findings contribute to understanding ethical leadership and corporate culture and promoting values-driven management approaches in diverse business environments. %K Christian Values %K Efficiency %K Effectiveness %K Business Administration %K Project Management %K Ethical Leadership %K Organizational Performance %K Integrity %K Honesty %K Accountability %K Ethical Decision-Making %K Corporate Culture %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132758