%0 Journal Article %T 解读自我救赎之异同——以《你当像鸟飞往你的山》与《遇见你之前》为例
An Interpretation of the Differences and Similarities of Self-Redemption—Taking Educated and Me Before You as Examples %A 王亚萍 %A 孙艺萌 %J World Literature Studies %P 117-122 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.122019 %X 自传体小说《你当像鸟飞往你的山》与爱情小说《遇见你之前》这两本小说虽题材不同,但都暗含自我救赎的重要意义。本文通过比较、分析两本小说中主人公的个人经历、心理转变等,从个人成长的视角解读其中自我救赎的异同。表面上看两部小说似乎呈现出不同的救赎道路,一条是痛苦挣扎终凤凰涅槃的道路,另一条是感动熏陶成“双向奔赴”的道路,但其实质是意识觉醒下自觉的自我救赎,对人物成长与身份形塑具有重要意义。
The autobiographical novel Educated and the romance novel Me Before You have different themes, but they both imply the subject of self-redemption. This paper aims to interpret the differences and similarities of self-redemption in these two novels from the perspective of personal growth by comparing and analyzing personal experiences and psychological transformations of the protagonists. Ostensibly, two novels seem to present different paths of redemption, as one is the personal redemption like a phoenix from the ashes, and the other is the mutual redemption of a touching and interacting journey. But in essence, they are both self-redemption under the awakening of self-consciousness, which is of great significance to the growth of the characters and the shaping of their identities. %K 自我救赎,《你当像鸟飞往你的山》,《遇见你之前》
Self-Redemption %K Educated %K Me Before You %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85616