%0 Journal Article %T Suggestions from a Marine Economist to Make One&#8217;s (Shipping) Company&#8230; Digital! %A Alexandros M. Goulielmos %J Modern Economy %P 361-384 %@ 2152-7261 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/me.2024.154019 %X We showed how digitalization can improve the <b>quality</b> of companies&#8217; decision-making by moving towards more <i>efficient</i>, <i>effective</i> & <i>timely</i> decisions. Our work proved to be more difficult than expected, however, because we had first to <b>define</b> more than the 2 <i>fundamental</i> terms, which were: the <b>Cloud</b> & the <b>Platform</b>. Important for the reader is to understand an old principle in management: &#8220;what we do in management, is to bring-in money&#8221;, meaning to &#8220;<i>make</i>&#8221; our customers willing <b>to</b> <b>pay</b> for company&#8217;s any new services supplied! The &#8220;holy grail&#8221; of digitalization is to enable managers to <b>d</b><b>e</b><b>cide</b> <b>&#8220;exclusively</b>&#8221; <b>on</b> <b>data</b>. &#8220;<b>Data</b>&#8221; are the valuable <i>competitive</i> <i>advantage</i> of the companies of the years to come! <b>Data</b> are, however, products which have to have certain accurate specifications, as well quality etc. Digitalization &#8220;does&#8221; exactly that, as better as it can! Future management is going to be evaluated, not anymore, on its knowledge, experience, past achievements, & on whether one has graduated from Harvard or not, but <b>if</b> <b>he/she</b> <b>has</b> <b>o</b><b>b</b><b>tained</b> the <b>suitable</b> <b>data</b> to <b>take</b> the <b>decisions</b> <b>emerged</b> <b>subsequently!</b><b> </b><b>The</b> <b>research</b> <b>aim</b> <b>and</b> <b>method</b> <b>were</b> <b>to</b> <b>review</b> <b>the</b> <b>international</b> <b>bibliography</b> <b>as</b> <b>well</b> <b>as</b> <b>current</b> <b>research,</b> <b>on</b> <b>digitalization,</b> <b>as</b> <b>close</b> <b>as</b> <b>to</b> <b>2023,</b> <b>and</b> <b>to</b> <b>present</b> <b>the</b> %K The Meaning of Digitalization %K The & %K #8220 %K Calculating Cloud& %K #8221 %K The & %K #8220 %K Digital Platform& %K #8221 %K The Recent Maritime Technologies Based on Satellites %K The Agonies of the EU-28 & %K the World %K The Fuel Cells %K Ammonia %K Green Hydrogen & %K Other Sources of Maritime Fuel %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=132934