%0 Journal Article %T 新疆天山南部温带气候的膜果麻黄植被研究
Research on Ephedra przewalskii Vegetation in the Temperate Climate of Southern Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang %A 王震 %J Geographical Science Research %P 343-347 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/gser.2024.132033 %X 新疆天山深居欧亚大陆内部,独特的地理位置与山盆相间的地质构造特征产生了复杂多样的气候,也是影响植被分布与发育的重要条件。天山温带大陆性气候显著,是全球气候变化的敏感地带,脆弱的生态环境孕育出种类丰富的植被类型。以温带荒漠灌木典型群系“膜果麻黄”为研究对象,根据科学出版社2001年出版的《中国植被图集(1:1,000,000)》,利用地理信息系统软件(ArcGIS)提取膜果麻黄植被的数据进行矢量化处理,结合WorldClim第二版本世界气候数据,分析该群系地理分布格局、温带成分比例,海拔特征以及热值条件。分析得出该群系气候类型主要为暖温带气候,温度指数受海拔高度和纬度因素双重影响,主要分布于天山南部山麓和库鲁塔格山两侧。
Xinjiang Tianshan is located deep inside the Eurasian continent, and its unique geographical location and geological structure featuring alternating mountains and basins have produced a complex and diverse climate, which is also an important factor affecting the distribution and development of vegetation. The temperate continental climate of the Tianshan Mountains is significant and is a sensitive zone for global climate change. The fragile ecological environment has nurtured a rich variety of vegetation types. Taking the typical shrub group of temperate desert “Ephedra przewalskii” as the research object, based on the “China Vegetation Atlas (1:1,000,000)” published by Science Press in 2001, the data of Ephedra przewalskii vegetation was extracted using Geographic Information System software (ArcGIS) for vectorization processing. Combined with WorldClim’s second version of world climate data, the geographical distribution pattern, proportion of temperate components, altitude characteristics, and calorific value conditions of this group were analyzed. The analysis shows that the climate type of this formation is mainly warm temperate climate, and the temperature index is influenced by both altitude and latitude factors, mainly distributed at the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains and on both sides of the Kurutag Mountains. %K 天山南部,膜果麻黄,温带气候
Southern Tianshan Mountains %K Ephedra przewalskii %K Temperate Climate %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85611