%0 Journal Article %T 三江平原农作物长势遥感监测
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Crop Growth in Sanjiang Plain %A 孙冰倩 %J Geographical Science Research %P 355-362 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/gser.2024.132035 %X 农业遥感中非常重要的研究课题之一就是利用遥感技术对农作物的长势进行监测,农作物长势监测就是指在农作物的生长过程中监测其生长状况并且预测其发展趋势。这一研究课题不但可以给农田间的管理带来及时可靠的信息,还能在农作物生长的早期预估其最终的产量,给国家农业相关部门提供粮食管理和决策的依据。本文以三江平原大部分地区为研究区域,选取了三江平原地区2009年和2010年类型为MODIS13Q1的遥感影像和该地区的矢量数据文件,利用ENVI4.5和ArcMap10.2.2等基础软件工具得到研究区域的归一化植被指数NDVI图以及农作物长势信息图,通过对这两年的长势图进行对比和分析,得出三江平原2009年~2010年农作物长势在时间上和空间上的变化特点并且分析引起发生这些变化的主要原因。
One of the very important research topics in agricultural remote sensing is to use remote sensing technology to monitor the growth of crops. Crop growth monitoring refers to monitoring the growth of crops and predicting their development trend during the growth process. This research topic can not only bring timely and reliable information to the management of farmland, but also estimate the final yield of crops in the early stage of crop growth, and provide the basis for grain management and decision-making departments of national agriculture. Taking most of the Sanjiang Plain as the research area, this paper selects remote sensing images and vector data files of Sanjiang Plain as MODIS13Q1 in 2009 and 2010. The normalized vegetation index NDVI map and crop growth information map of the research area are obtained by using basic software tools such as ENVI4.5 and ArcMap10.2.2. By comparing and analyzing the growth figures of these two years, we obtained the characteristics of temporal and spatial changes in crop growth in Sanjiang Plain from 2009 to 2010, and analyzed the main reasons for these changes. %K 三江平原,农作物长势,遥感技术,NDVI
Sanjiang Plain %K Crop Growth %K Remote Sensing Technology %K NDVI %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85613