%0 Journal Article %T 基于GIS的区域旅游资源适宜性评价
GIS-Based Suitability Evaluation of Regional Tourism Resources %A 罗陶然 %J Geographical Science Research %P 374-388 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/gser.2024.132037 %X 目前,旅游业是一种资源消耗低、带动作用大、就业机会多、综合效益好的重要产业,对国民经济和社会发展起着日益重要的作用。然而,传统旅游方式引起了环境污染问题,包括沙漠化、大气、海洋和城市污染以及森林破坏等。随着时间推移,我国逐渐将生态环境与旅游资源相结合,生态旅游成为时代追求和政府关注的焦点。通辽市拥有丰富的旅游资源和浓厚的民族风情,因此使用层次分析法建立了目标、准则和因子层来评价生态旅游适宜性。通过GIS技术,结合环境承载力、旅游基础条件、交通便利性和居民点距离等因素进行适宜性评价与分区处理。
Currently, the tourism industry is an important sector with low resource consumption, significant driving force, abundant employment opportunities, and overall good benefits, playing an increasingly vital role in the national economy and social development. However, traditional tourism methods have led to environmental pollution issues, including desertification, atmospheric, marine, and urban pollution, as well as deforestation. Over time, China has gradually integrated ecological environment with tourism resources, making ecological tourism a pursuit of the times and a focus of government attention. Tongliao City boasts rich tourism resources and vibrant ethnic customs, thus employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process to establish criteria and factor layers to evaluate the suitability of ecological tourism. Utilizing GIS technology, assessments and zoning are conducted by considering factors such as environmental carrying capacity, tourism infrastructure, transportation convenience, and distance from residential areas. %K 生态旅游,适宜性评价,GIS,层次分析法
Ecotourism %K Suitability Evaluation %K GIS %K AHP %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=85615