%0 Journal Article %T 吡咯里嗪衍生物的合成研究
Synthesis Studies of Pyrrolizidine Derivatives %A 李治乔 %A 张怡 %A 丹智才让 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 182-194 %@ 2330-524X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jocr.2024.122015 %X 吡咯里嗪类化合物是一种重要的双环融合的杂环化合物,其核心骨架中含有桥头氮,通常存在于具有生物活性的化合物中,在植物、昆虫、动物、海洋生物和微生物的次级代谢产物中被广泛分离得到,具有消炎、止痛和抗肿瘤、抗病毒等活性。因此,在过去几年中,开发高效且稳健的官能化吡咯里嗪类化合物的合成方法引起了人们的极大兴趣。鉴于此,本文对近些年吡咯里嗪类化合物的合成方法进行了综述,希望能进一步为吡咯里嗪类化合物的合成研究提供参考。
Pyrrolizines compounds are important bicyclic fused heterocyclic compounds, whose core skeleton contains bridgehead nitrogen, which is usually found in biologically active compounds and widely isolated from secondary metabolites of plants, insects, animals, Marine organisms and microorganisms, with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-tumor, anti-viral activities. Thus, during the past several years, there has been a lot of interest in the development of reliable and efficient synthetic methods for the production of functionalized pyrrolizine analogues. Because of this, this study covers the synthetic procedures for pyrrolizines that have been developed recently in an effort to further the synthetic investigations of pyrrolizines. %K 吡咯里嗪,杂环化合物,含氮化合物
Pyrrolizine %K Heterocyclic Compound %K Nitrogen Compounds %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86131