%0 Journal Article %T C2M模式供应链最优定价与渠道选择策略研究——以果蔬类农产品为例
Research on Optimal Pricing and Channel Selection Strategies of Supply Chain in C2M Model—Taking Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products as an Example %A 王敏捷 %A 徐樨 %A 黄瀛 %A 郦林涛 %A 刘心怡 %J Modern Marketing %P 31-36 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mom.2024.142004 %X 本文围绕C2M (Customer to Manufacturer)模式在果蔬类农产品供应链中的应用展开研究。对C2M模式进行了深入分析,探讨了其在其他行业中的成功应用以及在农产品供应链中的潜在优势。对C2M模式在果蔬类农产品供应链中的可行性和有效性进行了探讨,包括对最优定价策略、渠道选择策略等方面的分析和建议。展望了未来的研究方向和发展趋势,提出了数字化技术的整合、可持续发展和绿色供应链、供应链风险管理、新兴市场和国际贸易,以及消费者参与和定制化需求等方面的建议。研究方向将有助于推动C2M模式在果蔬类农产品供应链中的应用和发展,促进供应链的优化和创新,以满足不断变化的市场需求。
This paper focuses on the application of C2M (Customer to Manufacturer) model in the supply chain of fruit and vegetable agricultural products. The C2M model is analyzed in depth to explore its successful application in other industries and its potential advantages in the supply chain of agricultural products. The feasibility and effectiveness of the C2M model in the supply chain of fruit and vegetable agricultural products are discussed, including the analysis and suggestions on optimal pricing strategy and channel selection strategy. The future research direction and development trend are looked forward, and recommendations are made in the areas of integration of digital technologies, sustainable and green supply chains, supply chain risk management, emerging markets and international trade, and consumer engagement and customized demand. The research direction will help to promote the application and development of C2M model in the supply chain of fruit and vegetable agricultural products, and promote the optimization and innovation of the supply chain to meet the ever-changing market demand. %K C2M模式,供应链,最优定价,渠道选择
C2M Model %K Supply Chain %K Optimal Pricing %K Channel Selection %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86329