%0 Journal Article %T 洞庭湖区优质饮用水水源地安全评价研究
Safety Evaluation of High-Quality Drinking Water Sources in the Dongting Lake Region %A 李娜 %A 伍佑伦 %A 袁艳梅 %A 潘雨齐 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-10 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %X 为保障洞庭湖城乡居民饮水安全,满足新时代人民群众对饮水安全的美好需求,本文以洞庭湖区20个县级以上城市集中式优质饮用水水源地为研究对象,从水量安全、水质安全、水生态安全、水资源开发利用安全及管理安全五个方面构建洞庭湖区优质饮用水水源地安全评价指标体系,采用熵权TOPSIS模型评价水源地安全综合状态,并利用障碍度模型识别主要障碍因子。结果表明:洞庭湖区县级以上城市集中式安全优质饮用水水源地有13处,其中,铁山水库安全等级最高,金凤水库安全等级最低;水体自净能力、供水能力、水土保持率、供水保证率、优质水源水质达标率和富营养化状态是影响洞庭湖区优质水源地安全提升的主要障碍因子。研究结果与水源地实际情况及洞庭湖区供水相关规划情况基本相符,并以此为依据,提出了进一步提升水源地安全的措施和建议。
To guarantee the drinking water safety of urban and rural residents in the Dongting Lake region and meet the people’s beautiful demand for drinking water safety in the new era, we take 20 centralized high-quality drinking water sources of cities above the county level in the Dongting Lake region as the case study. A high-quality drinking water sources safety evaluation index system is constructed from the five aspects: water quantity safety, water quality safety, water ecological safety, water resources development and utilization safety and management safety. The current situation of drinking water sources is evaluated comprehensively sing entropy weight method, and the main obstacle factors are identified by the obstacle degree model. The results show that there are 13 centralized safe and high-quality drinking water sources in cities above county level in Dongting Lake region, among which, Tieshan Reservoir has the highest safe-ty level and Jinfeng Reservoir the lowest; self-purification capacity of water bodies, water supply capacity, soil and water conservation rate, water supply guarantee rate, high-quality water source water quality compliance rate and eutrophication status are the main obstacle factors affecting the improvement of the safety of the high-quality water sources. The results are basically consistent with the actual situation of water sources and the relevant planning situation of water supply. We propose the corresponding measures and suggestions to further enhance the safety of the water source. %K 洞庭湖区,优质饮用水水源地,评价指标体系,熵权,TOPSIS模型,障碍因子
Dongting Lake Region %K High-Quality Drinking Water Sources %K Evaluation Index System %K Entropy Weight %K TOPSIS Model %K Obstacle Factor %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86438