%0 Journal Article %T 宜宾市酒文化与旅游业融合发展路径研究
Research on the Integrated Development Path of Wine Culture and Tourism Industry in Yibin City %A 孙婷 %A 周彦希 %J Service Science and Management %P 269-274 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.133033 %X 本文主要以宜宾地域酒文化研究为载体,研究宜宾市目前旅游业的短板和不足,剖析酒文化 旅游业目前未能有良好结合的旅游模式的深层原因,立足宜宾独特的酒文化,结合地域特色非物质文化遗产,对宜宾酒文化 旅游业商业模式提出建议和对策,扩大宜宾酒文化的影响力,增加经济效益。例如建议宜宾政府和酒企创新优化酒文化 旅游参观新的文旅模式,开发出旅游专线,拉动宜宾当地经济,提升宜宾城市影响力,擦亮“酒都”城市名片。本研究对传承宜宾酒文化、推动宜宾酒文化旅游和促进宜宾市区域经济发展具有重要意义。
This study is mainly based on Yibin’s regional wine culture. It studies the shortcomings and deficiencies of Yibin’s current tourism industry, analyzes the deep reasons for the lack of a well-integrated tourism model between wine culture and tourism industry, and puts forward suggestions and countermeasures for the business model of Yibin’s wine culture and tourism industry based on Yibin’s unique wine culture and the intangible cultural heritage with regional characteristics, to expand the influence of Yibin wine culture and increase economic benefits. For example, it is suggested that the Yibin government and wine enterprises innovate and optimize the wine culture combined with the new cultural and tourism mode of tourism visits, develop a tourism special line, stimulate the local economy of Yibin, enhance the influence of Yibin city, and polish the city name card of “wine capital”. This study is of great significance for inheriting Yibin wine culture, promoting Yibin wine culture tourism and promoting Yibin regional economic development. %K 酒文化,地域特色,文旅新模式,融合发展
Wine Culture %K Regional Characteristics %K New Mode of Cultural and Tourism %K Integrated Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86464