%0 Journal Article %T 小型水库雨水情测报和大坝安全监测设施建设的现实意义——以玛纳斯河莫索湾水库为例
Practical Significance of Small Reservoir Rainwater Monitoring and Dam Safety Monitoring Facility Construction—A Case Study of the Mosuowan Reservoir in the Manas River %A 习雪峰 %J Service Science and Management %P 275-282 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.133034 %X 小型水库在防洪保安全、保障供水、农业灌溉和养鱼等方面发挥着重要作用。莫索湾水库是一座位于玛纳斯河流域的小(1)型注入式平原水库,在保障流域内农业生产和人民生活安全稳定方面具有重要作用。本文首先对莫索湾水库雨水情测报和大坝安全监测设施建设的现状及存在问题进行了分析,然后针对莫索湾水库雨水情测报和大坝安全监测设施建设的重要现实意义,基于目前的现状提出了针对雨水情测报和大坝安全监测设施建设的对策建议,以期能通过提高水库的整体功能,实现水库的规范化、标准化和信息化管理,确保水库安全的长效运行。
Small reservoirs play a crucial role in flood prevention, security, ensuring water supply, agricultural irrigation, and fish farming. The Mosuowan Reservoir, located in the Manas River basin, is a small (1) injection-type plain reservoir, which plays an important role in ensuring agricultural production and the safety and stability of people’s lives in the basin. This paper first analyzed the current situation and existing problems of rainwater monitoring and dam safety monitoring facility construction at the Mosuowan Reservoir. Subsequently, in view of the important practical significance of rainwater monitoring and dam safety monitoring facility construction for the Mosuowan Reservoir, the article proposed specific recommendations and suggestions based on the current status. The aim is to enhance the overall functionality of the Mosuowan Reservoir and achieve standardized and information-based reservoir management, ensuring the long-term effective operation of safety of the reservoir. %K 莫索湾水库,雨水情测报,大坝安全监测,对策建议
The Mosuowan Reservoir %K Rainwater Monitoring %K Dam Safety Monitoring %K Recommendations and Suggestions %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86527