%0 Journal Article %T 基于生态教育视角的台州城市景观建设案例评价
Case Evaluation of Taizhou Urban Landscape Construction Based on Ecological Education Perspective %A 陈正满 %A 张云生 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 160-171 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ije.2024.132021 %X 目的:试图通过评价偏离生态轨道的城市景观建设案例,作为生态教育负面范本,对全民进行生态理念教育,纠正地方政府普遍存在的景观设计误区,指明城市景观生态建设方向。方法:比较研究、文献调查、归纳总结法和逻辑推理法,比较景观与古典园林理念,对景观、景观设计、生态景观概念进行通俗理解和阐述,例举景观设计误区。结果:1) 对某高校使用稻田取代公共绿地,作为校园特色景观对师生进行生态教育进行分析推介,是对高校扩建耕地产生负面影响的必要补充,提出学校不需建造专门的校内公园,提倡用耕地替代校园生态象征的公共绿地,可节省和增加我国大量宝贵的耕地资源。2) 针对社会上经常出现的各种各样非生态现象,从基于生态基础设施的城市空间发展格局视角分析、评判当前偏离生态的各种现实景观建设案例,提出节约土地资源和财政资金的生态景观设计思路,将城市景观做成有生命、会呼吸的生态基础设施。3) 城市尤其中小城市绿色的乡村化、生态化是未来发展方向,但乡村应保持地域特色,杜绝城市化。结论:用“两山”理论指导生态建设和生态教育,树立正确的生态景观设计思路,生态理念普及教育应景观生态化,倡导以生态理念指导景观建设,有利于全社会树立正确的生态理念和生态观,自觉应用生态理念建设城市。
Objective: By evaluating urban landscape construction cases that deviate from the ecological track and taking them as negative models of ecological education, this paper tries to educate the whole people on ecological concepts, correct the common misunderstanding of landscape design in local governments, and point out the direction of urban landscape ecological construction. Methods: Comparative research, literature investigation, induction and summary method and logical reasoning method were used to compare the concept of landscape and classical garden, to make popular understanding and elaboration of the concept of landscape, landscape design and ecological landscape, and to illustrate the misunderstanding of landscape design. Results: 1) The analysis and promotion of a university’s use of rice fields instead of public green space as a characteristic landscape on campus to conduct ecological education for teachers and students is a necessary supplement to the negative impact on the expansion of cultivated land in colleges and universities. It is proposed that schools do not need to build special campus parks and advocate the use of cultivated land instead of the public green space symbolized by campus ecology, which can save and increase a large number of valuable cultivated land resources in China. 2) In view of various non-ecological phenomena frequently appearing in society, analyze and evaluate various realistic landscape construction cases that deviate from ecology from the perspective of urban spatial development pattern based on ecological infrastructure, propose ecological landscape design ideas that save land resources and financial funds, and turn urban landscape into living and breathing ecological infrastructure. 3) The green rural and ecological development of cities, especially small and medium-sized cities, is the future development direction, but rural areas should maintain regional characteristics and eliminate urbanization. Conclusion: Using “two mountains” theory to guide ecological construction and ecological %K 风景园林,城市景观,生态视角,生态教育,案例评价,设计思路
Landscape Architecture %K Urban Landscape %K Ecological Perspective %K Ecological Education %K Case Evaluation %K Design Idea %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86706