%0 Journal Article %T Contribution to the Study of Fungal Strains Contaminating Peanut Pastes in Bangui (Central African Republic) %A Romaric Lebon Bondom %A Ernest Lango-Yaya %A Mireille Morissi Denissio %A Clotaire Donatien Rafai %A Alban Thibaut Moulo-Oli %A Zé %A phirin Vogbia Dalenga %A Marceline Djeintote %A Mossoro-Kpindé %A   %A Boniface Koffi %J Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering %P 97-106 %@ 1937-688X %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jbise.2024.175008 %X Introduction: Peanut pastes are food products resulting from artisanal or industrial processing, used in cooking in Africa in general and in Central African Republic in particular. These peanut pastes are often contaminated by molds and filamentous fungi involved in the degradation of hygienic and organoleptic or even toxicological quality. This study aims to determine the epidemiological profile of molds contaminating peanut pastes sold on the Central African market. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study carried out from June to September 2023. Samples of peanut pastes sold on Central African market were taken and analyzed at the National Laboratory of Clinical Biology and Public Health using the conventional microbiology method according to ISO 7954 standards. The data obtained were collected in the ODK 2023.3.1 application and analyzed with the Epi Info 7 software. A multivariate analysis by logistic regression, Ficher&#8217;s exact test, and chi<sup>2</sup> at the 5% threshold (p < 0.05) were used. Results: A total of 320 samples were taken in the main markets of the city of Bangui. The overall prevalence of contamination of peanut paste samples was 60%. The proportion of contamination per market was 95% at the Petevo market, 65% at the Sango market, 60% at the Miskine and Combattant markets, 55% in the Boy-rabe and Centrale markets, 50% at the Mamadou Mba&#239;ki market and 40% at the market Ouango. The count of the total fungal flora and 10.85 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Boy Rabe market; 16.45 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at Combattant market; 10.3 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Central market, 12.8 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Miskine market; 10.2 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Mamadou Mba&#239;ki market; 10.8 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Ouango market; 18.05 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Petevo market and 13.65 &#215; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/g at the Sango market. The prevalence of contamination by different fungal species was 1.88% of the species <i>Penicillium </i>sp.; 11.25% of <i>Mucor </i>sp.; 10.63% of <i>Aspe</i><i>r</i><i>gillus terrei</i>; 3.13% of <i>Aspergillus niger</i>; 1.25% of <i>Aspergillus medullans</i>; 28.13% of <i>A</i><i>s</i><i>pergillus flavus</i>; 2.50% of <i>Aspergillus fumigatus</i>. Peanut pastes stored %K Peanut Pastes %K Fungal %K Contamination %K Central African Republic %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133192