%0 Journal Article %T 白水县仓颉庙“蒿木”的一种诠释
Interpretation of the “Hao Mu” in Cangjie Temple, Baishui County %A 孙宏义 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 180-185 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ije.2024.132023 %X 目的:揭示白水县仓颉庙“蒿木”檩条是什么。方法:通过蒿属植物、非蒿属的阔叶树及针叶树气味及地理学名称进行分析。结果:仓颉庙“蒿木”檩条不在蒿属植物范围,有可能在非蒿属植物的松柏类植物,更有可能是指山东泰山以南的区域或者指坟地产生的木材。结论:“蒿”作为山东泰山以南区域及坟地的代名词,“蒿木”指泰山以南区域或者坟地里长出的具有芳香精油气味的木材。仓颉庙周边区域,历史上坟里种植的柏木高大笔直,提供“蒿木”檩条更有可能。正好蒿属植物有芳香精油气味,又是蒿地产生的木材,那就把仓颉庙的这根檩条命名为“蒿木”。这样的“蒿木”即表示木材的来源(坟地)又表示木材的性质(柏木)还能体现当地的文化(对死者的尊重)。历史发展到今天,无需具体知道“蒿木”是松还是柏,知道它是“蒿”地产的木材可以做仓颉庙的檩条就可以了。“蒿”就是地理区域名称,不是蒿属植物。
Purpose: To reveal what the “Hao Mu” lintel in Cangjie Temple, Baishui County is. Methods: Analyze the odors and geographical names of Artemisia species, non-Artemisia broad-leaved trees, and conifers. Results: The “Hao Mu” lintel in Cangjie Temple is not within the range of Artemisia species, possibly referring to conifers of non-Artemisia species, more likely to be the wood produced in the area south of Mount Tai in Shandong or in graveyards. Conclusion: As a synonym for the area south of Mount Tai in Shandong and graveyards, “Hao” refers to wood with aromatic essential oil odors grown in the area south of Mount Tai or graveyards. In the surrounding area of Cangjie Temple, the tall and straight cypress trees planted in graves historically are more likely to provide the “Hao Mu” lintel. Since Artemisia species have aromatic essential oil odors and are wood produced in Artemisia land, the lintel in Cangjie Temple is named “Hao Mu”. This kind of “Hao Mu” not only indicates the source of the wood (graveyards) and the nature of the wood (cypress), but also reflects the local culture (respect for the deceased). In today’s historical development, it is unnecessary to specifically know whether “Hao Mu” is pine or cypress, it is enough to know that it is wood produced in Artemisia land and can be used as a lintel in Cangjie Temple. “Hao” is the geographical name, not the Artemisia species. %K 仓颉庙,蒿木,白水县,松柏类,坟地,阔叶树,针叶树,气味
Cangjie Temple %K Hao Mu %K Baishui County %K Conifers %K Graveyards %K Broad-Leaved Trees %K Conifers %K Odors %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86887