%0 Journal Article %T 小麦DUF760基因家族的全基因组鉴定与表达分析
Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of DUF760 Gene Family in Wheat %A 李政 %A 徐鹏亮 %A 刘震宇 %A 范永胜 %A 吴涛 %A 胡宁 %A 蒋雯 %A 朱坤 %J Open Journal of Nature Science %P 510-518 %@ 2330-1732 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ojns.2024.123059 %X 为了探索DUF760基因家族在小麦生长发育中的潜在功能,对小麦DUF760基因家族进行了全基因组鉴定、蛋白特性分析、启动子顺式作用元件分析和表达模式分析。通过生物信息学技术,在小麦基因组中共鉴定到16个TaDUF760家族成员,进化树分析将其分为Group I和Group II两个亚家族,两者基因结构和motif分布存在不同的特征。通过分析启动子顺式作用元件,推测TaDUF760基因的表达受干旱、低温、光照等因素调控。对小麦转录组数据分析显示,部分TaDUF760基因在小麦各个组织中均表达,TaDUF760-6、TaDUF760-7、TaDUF760-9针对干旱和热胁迫时的反应更为强烈。本研究明确了小麦TaDUF760基因家族成员及其表达模式,为小麦功能基因的挖掘提供了理论依据。
In order to explore the potential functions of the DUF760 gene family in wheat growth and development, whole genome identification, protein characteristic analysis, promoter cis acting element analysis, and expression pattern analysis were conducted on the wheat DUF760 gene family. Through bioinformatics technology, a total of 16 TaDUF760 family members were identified in the wheat genome. Evolutionary tree analysis divided them into two subfamilies, Group I and Group II, with different gene structures and motif distributions. By analyzing the cis acting elements of the promoter, it is speculated that the expression of TaDUF760 gene is regulated by factors such as drought, low temperature, and light. Analysis of wheat transcriptome data shows that some TaDUF760 genes are expressed in various tissues of wheat, with TaDUF760-6, TaDUF760-7, and TaDUF760-9 exhibiting stronger responses to drought and heat stress. This study clarified the members and expression patterns of the TaDUF760 gene family in wheat, providing a theoretical basis for the exploration of functional genes in wheat. %K 小麦,DUF760基因,全基因组分析,基因表达
Wheat %K DUF760 Gene %K Whole Genome Analysis %K Gene Expression %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86836