%0 Journal Article %T 水稻类病斑突变体基因克隆及其抗病机制
Cloning of Genes in Rice Lesion Mimic Mutants and Their Disease Resistance Mechanisms %A 易琴琴 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 193-197 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ije.2024.132025 %X 水稻是重要的粮食作物,也是功能基因组学研究的模式植物,大部分水稻类病斑突变体都表现出过敏性的坏死病变,并对各种病原体的抗性增强,是研究植物免疫机制的理想材料,探究水稻类病斑突变体及其抗病机理是当前的研究热点之一。本研究阐述了水稻类病斑突变体的概念、类病斑基因的克隆与功能以及类病斑突变体的抗病机制,以期为水稻抗病育种提供理论依据。
Rice is an important cereal crop and a model plant for functional genomics research. Most rice lesion mimic mutants lines exhibit hypersensitive necrotic lesions and enhanced resistance to various pathogens, making them ideal materials for studying plant immune mechanisms. Exploring rice lesion mimic mutants and their resistance mechanisms is one of the current research hotspots. This study elaborates on the concept of rice lesion mimic mutants, the cloning and function of blast-related genes, and the disease resistance of blast mutants, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for rice disease-resistant breeding. %K 水稻,类病斑突变体,抗病,基因
Rice %K Lesion Mimic Mutants %K Disease Resistance %K Gene %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86970