%0 Journal Article %T 基于AHP法的垂直绿化景观评价与优化设计研究——以昆明市呈贡区为例
Research on Evaluation and Optimization Design of Vertical Landscaping Based on AHP Method—Taking Chenggong District of Kunming City as an Example %A 罗伊璇 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 203-215 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ije.2024.132027 %X 选取昆明市呈贡区31个垂直绿化景观样点为调查对象,进行实地调查、线上线下问卷调查和专家评审,采用层次分析法(AHP法)作为综合评价方法,通过3个评价准则层与11个评价因子层建立景观综合评价模型进行评价,结果显示,评价准则层各因素综合值大小分别为:景观效果 > 生态效应 > 功能价值;其中评分为优秀I等级的样点有3个,占9.7%,评分为良好的II等级样点所占数量最多,有22个,71%,评分为中等的III等级样点和差等的IV各有3个,各占9.7%;最后为3个评价较差的不同类型垂直绿化样点提出优化设计思路。
31 vertical greening landscape sample sites in Chenggong District of Kunming city were selected as the respondents to conduct field survey, online and offline questionnaire survey and expert review, Using the hierarchical analysis method (AHP method) as the comprehensive evaluation method, the landscape comprehensive evaluation model is established through 3 evaluation criterion layers and 11 evaluation factor layers for evaluation. The results show that the comprehensive value of each factor in the evaluation criterion layer is as follows: landscape effect > ecological effect > functional value. Among them, there are 3 sample sites with excellent I grade, accounting for 9.7%, and the most abundant, 22,71%, and 3 intermediate III sample sites and poor, each with 9.7%. Finally, the optimization design idea is proposed for 3 different types of vertical greening sample sites with poor evaluation. %K AHP法,垂直绿化,景观评价,优化设计,昆明市呈贡区
AHP Method %K Vertical Greening %K Landscape Evaluation %K Optimization Design %K Chenggong District of Kunming City %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=86972