%0 Journal Article %T Factors Impacting Benefits of Participatory Forest Management in Upper Imenti Forest, Meru County, Kenya %A Josephine Kamene Musyoki %A Lamech Felix Mogambi Ming’ %A ate %A Joseph Muriithi %A Mbuvi Tito Edward Musingo %A Joram Kagombe %J Open Journal of Forestry %P 183-196 %@ 2163-0437 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojf.2024.143012 %X This study focused on identifying factors affecting the benefits of Participatory Forestry Management (PFM) income generating activities in Upper Imenti Forest and whether they are dependent on status of participation in forest management through membership of Community Forest Association (CFA) or not. Cross-sectional survey research design was applied for collecting quantitative data using a semi-structured questionnaire administered to 384 households stratified on the basis of PFM participation status. Qualitative data was collected through focused group discussions using a checklist and key informant interviews using an interview schedule. Using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25, Binomial regression with Wald Chi-square was analyzed to identify factors perceived to be significantly influencing benefits for PFM participants and Pearson Chi-square to compare factors perceived to be affecting PFM and non-PFM participants. CFA members’ participation in PFM was significantly and positively affected by benefits of PFM income generating activities and forest products accessed in the forest. Benefits linked to Plantation Establishment for Livelihood Improvement System (PELIS) for CFA members were significantly reduced by enforcement of moratorium policy since February 2018, diseases and pests, poor PELIS guideline adherence and animal damage. Benefits related to state forest access for firewood by the CFA members were negatively influenced by the moratorium policy. Diseases and pests affected benefits associated with bee keeping significantly. Comparing factors under different PFM participation status, crop production was significantly affected by policy changes, pest and diseases, animal damage and PELIS guideline adherence for CFA members than for Non-CFA members. Policy changes also affected the CFA members significantly in firewood collection and access to fodder in the state forest than the Non-CFA members. Hence, sustainable community participation in Upper Imenti Forest management requires: increasing PFM benefits, addressing factors reducing benefits and enhancing active participation of CFA members in PFM related decision-making processes. %K Participatory Forest Management %K Community Forest Association %K Sustainable Community Participation %K Access to Forest Products %K Moratorium Policy %K Income Generating Activities %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133238