%0 Journal Article %T Research on Teaching Reform of Business English Graduation Thesis (Design) Writing Course for Application-Oriented Undergraduate Students Based on OBE Concept %A Cuiling Zhao %A Jinghuo Zhang %A Jing Tian %J Creative Education %P 828-837 %@ 2151-4771 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ce.2024.155050 %X The academic thesis writing course for Business English majors in application-oriented undergraduate colleges urgently needs teaching reform. Taking Business English major of B University as an example, this paper intends to introduce the OBE (Outcome-Based Education) concept into the teaching of the graduation thesis (design) writing course, adhere to a student-centered and outcome-oriented approach, and redesign and continuously optimize the course according to the four steps of Defining, Realizing, Assessing, and Using learning outcomes. The teaching objectives are updated; the teaching mode is reconstructed, including integrating teaching content, adjusting teaching progress, and innovating teaching methods; a diversified comprehensive evaluation system is built; and the actual output is dynamically tracked for constant reflection and continuous optimization. The aim is to effectively enhance the course’s guidance on the graduation thesis (design) process. %K OBE %K Graduation Thesis (Design) Writing Course %K Business English Major %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133450