%0 Journal Article %T 上海市精品酒店的空间分布及其影响因素研究
Study on Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of Boutique Hotels in Shanghai %A 郑怡清 %A 徐薛艳 %J Service Science and Management %P 327-337 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.133042 %X 目的:研究上海市符合《精品旅游饭店行业标准》的精品酒店的空间分布及其影响因素。方法:以上海市52家精品酒店为例,运用ArcGIS、相关性分析、核密度分析等方法,探索上海市精品酒店的空间分布特征。结论:上海市精品酒店以依托旅游资源型居多,而休闲主题类和依托自然资源类酒店相对较少。其空间分布表现不均衡,呈现两极分化格局,即主要分布在内环内和外环外两大区域。上海市符合国家标准的精品酒店数量总体偏少,基本属于早期自发形成,空间集聚效应不显著;区位选择依次与人文、交通、旅游资源禀赋和区域经济因素显著相关。
Objective: To study spatial distribution and influencing factors of boutique hotels in Shanghai that meet the Industry Standards of Boutique Tourist Hotels. Methods: Taking 52 boutique hotels in Shanghai as examples, the paper analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of boutique hotels in Shanghai through ArcGIS, correlation analysis, and nuclear density analysis. Conclusion: Boutique hotels in Shanghai are mainly based on tourism resources while the number of leisure-themed hotels and hotels based on natural resources is relatively small. Its spatial distribution is unbalanced, showing a polarization pattern, that is, it is mainly distributed in the inner part of inner ring roads and the outer part of outer ring roads. The number of boutique hotels meeting the national standards in Shanghai is relatively small, which basically belongs to the early spontaneous formation, and the spatial agglomeration effect is not significant. Location selection is significantly correlated with humanities, transportation, tourism resource endowment and regional economic factors. %K 精品酒店,空间分布,影响因素,上海市
Boutique Hotels %K Spatial Distribution %K Influencing Factors %K Shanghai %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=87546