%0 Journal Article %T Advanced-Level Foreign Language Acquisition in Experimental MALL Studies %A Jack Burston %J Open Journal of Modern Linguistics %P 267-289 %@ 2164-2834 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojml.2024.143015 %X The focus of this investigation is upon the extent to which experimental Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) studies have been concerned with advanced-level second/foreign language acquisition (AL2) and in what ways, if any, the exploitation and outcomes of MALL for AL2 differs from its application at non-advanced-levels. Consistent with the marginal status of advanced-level language learning in classroom practice, AL2 has very much been on the fringes of experimental MALL studies. Although MALL has been the subject of more than 5500 studies over the past three decades, little more than a quarter of this massive output describes experimental research, and of this very little has targeted AL2. In fact, of the 1470 experimental MALL studies appearing between 1994-2023 that were consulted for this inquiry, AL2 accounts for only 69, i.e., less than 5% of the total. These experimental AL2 MALL studies are notable for their atheoretical nature, small sample sizes and short treatment durations. Likewise, they are resolutely concentrated on vocabulary acquisition. So, too, tutorial exercises are the most frequent activity type. Not surprisingly, such activities rarely involve collaborative interaction. Moreover, whatever the activity type, individual engagement accounts for the great majority of experimental AL2 MALL. Communicative language learning undertakings are very much the exception. As far as language learning outcomes are concerned, overall, experimental AL2 MALL studies result in substantially fewer unequivocally positive results than do MALL studies that do not specifically target advanced-level learners. Despite their shortcomings, experimental MALL treatments are held in very high regard by participants, AL2 groups no less so than non-advanced-level ones. %K Mobile-Assisted Language Learning %K MALL %K Experimental MALL %K Advanced-Level Second Language Learning %K AL2 %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133547