%0 Journal Article %T Ethical Challenges in Forensic Accounting: Balancing Professional Responsibility and Legal Obligations %A Muhammed Zakir Hossain %A Habiba Kibria %A Fatema Tuj Johora %J Open Journal of Accounting %P 57-73 %@ 2169-3412 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojacct.2024.133005 %X This paper investigates into the pivotal role of forensic accounting in uncovering financial fraud and misconduct, highlighting the intricate balance required between professional responsibilities and legal obligations. Beginning with an introduction that underscores the significance of forensic accounting and the ethical dilemmas inherent in the field, the paper outlines its research objectives, aiming to review existing literature, identify common challenges, analyze ethical responsibilities, and propose strategies for ethical decision-making. The literature review meticulously explores theoretical frameworks, ethical principles, and professional standards in forensic accounting ethics, complemented by case studies and empirical research to illustrate practical challenges and emphasize the paramount importance of upholding ethical standards. Ethical principles such as integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and professional competence are found to be fundamental in guiding forensic accounting practice, ensuring ethical conduct across investigations. Additionally, the paper discusses the legal and regulatory framework governing forensic accounting activities, shedding light on potential conflicts between ethical principles and legal mandates. It further examines common ethical challenges through illustrative case studies, emphasizing the complexities faced by forensic accountants. Strategies for ethical decision-making are explored, drawing upon applicable ethical frameworks and models, while best practices and recommendations focus on enhancing ethical awareness, promoting ethical behavior, and emphasizing the role of education and training. Through an examination of the impact of ethical breaches, including reputational damage and legal liabilities, the paper concludes by addressing emerging trends and issues in forensic accounting ethics, advocating for proactive measures to uphold integrity and credibility within the profession. Overall, this comprehensive analysis offers valuable insights into the ethical challenges confronting forensic accountants and provides actionable recommendations for effectively navigating them. %K Forensic Accounting %K Ethical Challenges %K Professional Responsibility %K Legal Obligations %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133643