%0 Journal Article %T 三种情形下引力质量与惯性质量等价关系的探讨
Discussing Equality of Gravitational and Inertial Masses in the Three Cases %A 苑新喜 %J Modern Physics %P 118-123 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mp.2024.143014 %X 从“狭义相对论意义上的静质量是引力源”这一论点出发,分别对三种情形探讨了引力质量与惯性质量这二者的等价关系。第一种情形是微观世界的基本粒子,诸如电子和质子这些粒子的引力质量与惯性质量明显不等价,这主要由于它们自身的电磁质量;第二种情形是宏观世界的中性物体,这些物体的引力质量与惯性质量几乎相等,这主要由于原子核的结合能;最后一种情形是宇观世界中的恒星(如太阳),这些恒星的引力质量与惯性质量不等价,这主要因为它们自身的核燃烧。对于宇宙整体而言,宇宙总的引力质量在不断减少而总的惯性质量却保持不变,宇宙加速膨胀在某种程度上可能与此有关。
From the viewpoint of “rest mass in terms of special relativity is the source of gravity”, the equality of inertial and gravitational masses is discussed in the three cases. In the first case of elementary particles in the microscopic world, the inertial and gravitational masses of particles such as electrons and protons are obviously not equal mainly due to their electromagnetic masses;In the second case of uncharged objects in the macroscopic world, the inertial and gravitational masses of the objects are nearly equal mainly due to bound energies of atomic nucleus. In the last case of fixed stars (like the Sun) in the cosmoscopical world, the inertial and gravitational masses of the stars are not equal mainly due to nuclear burning. As to the whole universe, the total gravitational mass of the universe is reducing while the total inertial mass of it maintains constant, and then accelerated expansion of the universe might be to some extent related to this situation. %K 引力质量,惯性质量,电磁质量,结合能,核燃烧
Gravitational Mass %K Inertial Mass %K Electromagnetic Mass %K Bound Energy %K Nuclear Burning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=87880