%0 Journal Article %T 主动调Q Nd:YVO4/KTP双波长同步脉冲拉曼激光器
Active Q-Switched Nd:YVO4/KTP Dual-Wavelength Synchronized Pulse Raman Laser %A 齐佳莹 %A 李述涛 %J Applied Physics %P 294-300 %@ 2160-7575 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/app.2024.145034 %X 实现了以a切Nd:YVO4晶体为自拉曼介质,以KTP晶体为另一种拉曼介质的二极管泵浦声光调Q双波长同步振荡拉曼激光器的高效运转,获得了1096 nm和1176 nm激光的同步脉冲输出,分别对应KTP晶体的267 cm1频移和YVO4晶体的890 cm1位移的一阶斯托克斯光,脉冲重复频率为10、20和30 kHz。当入射泵浦功率为9.16 W,PRF为30 kHz时,由1096和1176 nm光源组成的拉曼激光平均输出最高为1.26 W,其中含1096 nm激光1.05 W,1176 nm激光0.21 W。
Efficient operation of a diode-pumped acousto-optically Q-switched dual-wavelength synchronized oscillating Raman laser was achieved by utilizing an a-cut Nd:YVO4 crystal as the self-Raman medium and a KTP crystal as the other Raman medium. Synchronized pulse outputs at 1096 nm and 1176 nm, corresponding to the first-order Stokes light with a Raman shift of 267 cm1 in the KTP crystal and a Raman shift of 890 cm1 in the YVO4 crystal, were obtained at pulse repetition frequencies of 10 kHz, 20 kHz, and 30 kHz. At an incident pump power of 9.16 W and a pulse repetition frequency of 30 kHz, the highest average output power of the Raman laser, consisting of 1096 nm and 1176 nm sources, reached 1.26 W, with 0.83 W for the 1096 nm laser and 0.43 W for the 1176 nm laser. %K 主动调Q,Nd:YVO4,KTP,拉曼激光器
Active Q-Switching %K Nd:YVO4 %K KTP %K Raman Laser %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=88129