%0 Journal Article %T 松材线虫病疫区困难立地生态修复树种筛选试验
Study on Selection of Ecological Restoration Species at Difficult Sites Affected by Pine Wilt Disease %A 罗致迪 %A 杨彩柏 %A 罗惠文 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 298-304 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ije.2024.132039 %X 赣南地区多数丹霞地貌或紫色页岩、红色砂岩等困难立地原有先锋树种马尾松染疫,疫木清除后森林覆盖率下降,间接造成疫区困难立地变成生态功能脆弱区,严重威胁南方重要生态屏障。为了加快恢复南方松材线虫病染疫困难立地生态系统健康,开展松材线虫病疫区困难立地生态修复树种筛选试验,通过调查监测,比较了涉及到的13个树种的成活率、树高、地径、冠幅等生长指标。试验结果表明,适宜南方松材线虫病疫区困难立地生态修复优势树种为蓝桉、泡桐、光皮桦、黑荆树、桃金娘和黄栀子。
Most of the pioneer-tree-species Pinus massoniana at the Danxia landforms or difficult sites such as purplish soil and red sandstones in southern Jiangxi have been infected by Pine wood nematode. After the removal of infected trees, the forest coverage has decreased, indirectly causing the difficult sites in the epidemic area to become ecologically fragile areas, seriously threatening the important ecological barrier in the south. In order to accelerate the restoration of the ecological health of difficult sites affected by pine wilt disease in the southern region, a screening experiment was conducted on tree species for ecological restoration in difficult sites affected by pine wilt disease. The screening experiment involved 13 tree species, growth indicators such as survival rate, tree height, diameter, and crown width were investigated and monitored. The experimental results showed that the dominant tree species suitable for ecological restoration in difficult areas affected by pine wilt disease were Eucalyptus globules Labill, Paulownia fortunei (Seem.) Hemsl, Betula luminifera, Acacia mearnsii De Will, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk, Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis. %K 松材线虫,困难立地,生态修复树种筛选
Pine Wood Nematode %K Difficult Ground %K Selection of Tree Species for Ecological Restoration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=88231