%0 Journal Article %T Antecedent Variable of Fear of Crime with University Sample in Shenzhen City %A Wei Zhang %J Psychology %P 849-869 %@ 2152-7199 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/psych.2024.155050 %X This study explores the antecedent variable of college students’ fear of crime in China, a topic that has seen limited research, particularly in empirical studies focused on these precursors. Existing literature predominantly examines social public security with a focus on middle-aged and elderly populations. Drawing from the antecedent framework in the criminal fear explanation model, student samples of this research from a University in Shenzhen City. It empirically assesses the relevance of Western criminal fear theory antecedents among South Chinese college students using statistical analysis. Findings indicate that gender is the only antecedent significantly associated with FoC, contrasting with Western studies where victimization experience, alongside factors such as media report engagement and avoidance of crime-prone areas, are emphasized. This discrepancy could stem from the unique, relatively insular nature of school environments and evolving media consumption patterns. %K Antecedent Variable %K Fear of Crime (FoC) %K University Population %K Gender %K Victimization-Related Experience %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133668